Pickaway County Airport

Circleville, OH


$3.5 million




Brandstetter Carroll Inc. has been the Airport Consultant for the Pickaway County Airport Authority since 1994. Projects include new T-Hangars, a new parallel taxiway, runway reconstruction, ramp expansion and reconstruction, and Airport Layout Plan update. The first phase was an 1,800 L.F. taxiway extension which was completed in 1996. In 1997, funds were obtained to complete the 700 L.F. extension to the north end of the runway. The second taxiway extension project also included ramp expansion for new corporate hangars.

The runway was reconstructed in 1998. BCI also provided design and construction administration for new runway and taxiway lighting system funded by the FAA in 2002. The runway was noted in the Asphalt Recycling Magazine and presented at an annual Ohio Aviation Association conference as well as to Air Force Base engineers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Total construction cost of these improvements exceeds $3.5 million. Recent projects include a gravity sanitary sewer and lift station, as well as a perimeter fence.

Other projects have included a ramp/taxiway expansion, new pavement markings, obstruction lighting, and snow removal equipment. Phase II of the perimeter fence was completed in 2012. Phase III, including land acquisition, was completed in 2018.

BCI also completed the new Master Plan/Airport Layout Plan.

In 2020-2021 the taxiway was repaired, and new pavement markings were applied.

The 2021-2022 projects were rehabilitating the runway pavement and upgrading the runway lighting system to LED.